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Get the scoop on a stress-free summer

Sanity-saving tips, tasty treats, and fun family adventures

A big fat hello to our Juice Box sippers!🧃We are so.darn.excited to be kicking off this labor of love (by which we mean this newsletter, of course, not kicking kids. You get it.)

We, the editorial crew, just got back from a super cool trip to Yellowstone over July 4th, along with seemingly the rest of the world. We also learned that road trips with kiddos under one are prooobably not the best choice. So we feel a bit more like we've been conquered rather than having done much conquering, but we did see bears and moose (meese?) and mountain goats, so that definitely counts for something. Even if the kids won't remember…

Bison standing in green grass with blue sky

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Let’s get right into it. Our favorite tips right now:

⏳Time-Saving Tip: Carpooling for Camp

Pre-schedule summer camp drop-offs and pickups with other parents.

👉 If you're juggling work and kids' summer camps, coordinating with fellow parents can be a game changer. We know, one more thing to add to the list BUT setting up a rotating schedule where each parent takes turns handling drop-offs and pickups can be a major time saver in the long run.

Try it this week: Reach out to a couple of fellow camp parents and propose a carpool schedule. Let us know how it goes by emailing us at [email protected]!

🍴Snack Solution: DIY Frozen Yogurt Popsicles

Quick and healthy frozen treats that are baby, toddler, AND big kid friendly. Perfect for cooling down after outdoor play.

👉 Mix Greek yogurt, fresh berries or fruit puree in a bowl, add maple syrup if you want extra sweetness, pour into popsicle molds and freeze for at least 4 hours. DONE. Don't have popsicle molds (like us?) Here are 5 alternatives you probably have at home already.

🛝 Kidventure: Backyard Scavenger Hunt

You've heard of them, but have you actually done a scavenger hunt this summer yet? If not, add this to your weekend plans for some frugal family fun that can keep kiddos occupied for at least enough time for you to enjoy that afternoon iced latte.

Supplies Needed:
  • Printed or handwritten list of items to find (leaves, rocks, a toy, etc.) Here's an illustrated one for little kiddos, and here is one for older kids (or even adults!)

  • Small prizes (stickers, small toys, or a sweet treat)

  1. Create a list of items for your kids to find around the yard/park/etc or print a pre-made list.

  2. Hide a few small prizes in easily accessible spots.

  3. Hand out the list and let the adventure begin!

💌 Straight from the Source: Reader's Tips

"During the summer, I use a daily checklist for my kids with fun tasks and chores. It keeps them engaged and helps them feel a sense of accomplishment."

Sarah K., Austin, TX

We love that, Sarah! Empowering our kids AND less nagging? Sign us up.

Do you have a tip to share? Email us at [email protected] with your best advice for a chance to be featured!

Listen- juggling family and work during the summer is EXTRA hard. We know. So stay tuned for plenty more tips, coming your way every week. 

Stay juicy, friends!

The JB Crew