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"Child containment units" and other goodies

Our current favorite tips to manage morning mayhem

Over here on the Juice Box crew, some of us WFH, and some of us are out of the house by 7. Phew. So we wanted to try to sprinkle a little magic into your mornings because…morning are mayhem. (That's not just us, right??!)

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💣 Mayhem Mastery: "Child Containment Units" LOL 

Like a lot of the tips we share, this one starts with a Reddit thread we came across when we were Googling "how to get ready in the morning when you have a baby." Other than showering at night and prepping EVERYTHING as much as possible, here's a few ideas we hadn't thought of:

A peaceful cup of coffee? Who is she?

The title alone- perfecto.

🍴Snack Solution: New Twists on Overnight Oats

Do we love overnight oats? Yes. Can they get boring? Also yes. So we compiled some of the most delicious sounding twists on the classic combo of oats + milk + yogurt + toppings for you and the whole fam. Also, if you somehow *haven't* tried overnight oats because you think you don't like oatmeal, give one of these a try. We've have some little (and big) converts in our homes.

🍍 Pina Colada (aka Pineapple Coconut) - recipe

🍪 Cookies and Cream - recipe

🍌 Banana Nut - recipe

🍞 Cinnamon Toast Crunch - recipe (This one has us drooling 🤤)

🥧 Pecan Pie - recipe

On-the-Go Tip: Prep individual servings in small mason jars or reusable containers. Attach a plastic spoon to the lid with a rubber band for a truly grab-and-go breakfast.

Estimated prep time: 10 minutes

🤝 Connection Creator: Morning Gratitude Practice

Ok, we admit. This one's a little Pinterest-y, but also easy enough to implement. Since we know that starting the day with a gratitude practice sets a positive tone for everyone, here’s a cute way to incorporate this into your morning routine:

🌳 Gratitude Tree: Use a small indoor tree or a branch in a vase as your gratitude tree. Each morning, have your kiddos write or dictate what they’re grateful for on a leaf-shaped paper and hang it on the tree (or Post-its work just fine too). Car rides are a great time for this. Use small paper clips and bend one end like an ornament hanger. Watch it grow throughout the week!

Wishing you (and us) smooth and magical mornings ahead. 🙏 

The JB Crew